Thursday, October 27, 2005


btw the end of this week, i would have earned about $571.

thats like. half a-fagging K. and i earned it all with my sweat and BLOOD!

ok, all i do is sit in the office and do boring stuff like filing or admin i exaggerate...who cares XD.

i rarely go on shopping sprees (or shopping at all) but i think one should be coming up soon...hoho...


hmm. had a great time chatting with theresa and abby yesterday.

theresa, because of some very interesting information.

and abby, because i was reminded of how things should be.

ill not elaborate on either. i just wish to put it down on this blog. just so humans noe. (yeah YOU HUMIESSS!!!)

tmrw ill be meeting up with my gang of brothers again. its been a long time.

we guys...dont need to talk to each other to noe we care. its an unspoken thing among guys. and saying it out loud would just make it weird.

or say my group of friends are all the independant solo-ists who dont need humans to survive. (well maybe fukun cant survive witout his galfriend?)

we dont ask each other out EVAR (onli thomas bothers about outings...i dunno why). we dont talk much at all, especially now all of us have gone separate ways.

but still, i believe we have a deep connection in us that goes far beyond verbal communication and physical distance.

the cheesy typical 'brotherhood' among guys XD


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