Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Free from Imprisonment!

Now... I myself have never been to prison, but let me tell you my dear readers... I FEEL LIKE I'VE JUST FINISHED SERVING MY TIME!

Though definitely my ordeal in Temasek Polytechnic Design School cannot be compared to what prison must be like, I still feel like I have regained the freedom I had not felt in so long.

Not just remembering the hard and bitter times, I also remember the joyful and happy times, where coursemates would laugh together and have jolly fun. And not forgetting the many many things I've learnt in design school, the majority of which have nothing to do with Design itself.

However, if I DO remember these jolly times, then why do i still feel a sense of relief that I am now finally out of this torture?

I tell you, my dear readers, it is because of the way the School is lead so, and by how the Lecturers are teaching so, and how it is no longer about the students welfare. It has become the opposite of caring for the students.

All that the school seems to care about is merely about the REPUTATION of the school and not the students. Like a Diploma Show that only lets 'presentable' students work be showcased. It's not for the students sake...its just for the school.

Then there are those who teach.

There is favoritism, biasness, and unequal treatment. But to me, these are forgivable, because it is everywhere in this world and it is inevitable in encountering such things. What really disappoints me is when our mentors merely see it their own way. They have become deluded in their own personal idea of design, not having the thought of what an idea or concept could be, but merely of... 'this is GOOD, and this is BAD, because i said so'.

I am just scratching the surface of the iceburg in the ocean, but I am quite sure many fellow students would agree with me. This is just my rant.

Just so you know (whoever is reading), all that bullshit to try and convince the students hasn't changed anyones opinion at all. Only made things look worse. Ironic really.


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