Wednesday, July 12, 2006

just charge!

about 1 week left. i want to state my mind of the final crit.

block teaching should not be used as an excuse for lousy work.

why waste energy talking about block teaching when we cant do anything about it.

just chiong and show our power. lets be strong!

its such a shame to our skills as designers if we cant be strong-willed. dont u think so?

for those who can still remember last fridays interim critique debrief, do any of u feel ashamed?

especially the comments from the ex-students.

its all about ur passion and will.

a lecturer said, its about 2 things. thinking skills and technical skills.

i believe hard work can make up for lack of inborn skill. and if ur not passionate enough for hardwork, then death awaits u.

whats wrong with other people being stressed? sure, people being overly stressed might affect others. but so what?

the point is NOT to let urself get stressed by external factors, especially from other stressed people.

being stress does not mean one is passionate in work, it just means one is unsure of his planning (which is pretty normal).

all we need to do is plan our future well and be flexible to changes on the go. everything should be handled calmly.


lets all charge together!

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